Be on the lookout for these sewer line break causes
Most Caseyville, IL homeowners diligently stay on top of plumbing issues that arise inside of their homes so that they can avoid stressful and costly long-term problems. However, many people forget that the plumbing outside of their walls can also have problems and in fact can end up causing more damage and financial stress than any indoor issue ever could. Fortunately, a little knowledge and preparation can help you avoid a main sewer line break.
Here are a few of the top causes of main sewer line breaks in the Caseyville, IL area.

The Age of the Pipes
Caseyville is a town with a history that reaches back into the 1800s, and many of the original homes that were built at the turn of the century are still standing today. If you’re the proud owner of one of these beautiful old homes, then you may be at risk of a main sewer line break. Find out how old your pipes are. If they were installed before World War II, then have them inspected or replaced.

Mature Trees with Large Root Systems
Established neighborhoods with mature trees will always be more appealing to buyers, but if you have a large tree near your house, you may discover that its root system disrupts your service lines. These pipes carry the nutrients that the tree needs, so it’s common for the roots to weaken or even break into the pipes over time. A professional can clear your drains of roots every few years, allowing you to avoid expensive problems created by trees that you love.

Extreme Temperature Changes
Sewer line breaks are more likely to occur when temperatures take an extreme dip or hike, and it doesn’t take much; just a 15-degree change increases the stress on your sewer lines, making them more likely to break. They’re also more likely to break during extremely cold temperatures if the ground below the surface freezes and affects the pipes.

Sewer Line Materials
Old pipes aren’t just more prone to breaking just because they’ve been there for a long time; they’re actually constructed of materials like clay and tile, which are more prone to deterioration than materials used today. Understanding the age and materials of your pipes helps avoid problems with proper maintenance.
If you’re dealing with plumbing problems or you want to proactively have your pipes inspected or cleaned, contact the professionals at Bailey Sewer & Water.